Những sách được nhận báo giá mua hộ trong tháng 3/2022.
Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software – 1st Edition
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Embedded-Systems-Patterns-Software/dp/1449302149/
Paperback | Used – Very Good | 5/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.18 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $33.25 (765,000đ)
Borges: Selected Poems
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Borges-Selected-Poems-Jorge-Luis/dp/0140587217/
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.16 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $18.79 (432,000đ)

The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Stories-Vladimir-Nabokov/dp/0679729976
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.13 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $14.11 (325,000đ)
Oblivion: Stories
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Oblivion-Stories-David-Foster-Wallace/dp/0316010766
Paperback | Used – Acceptable | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 10.4 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $14.87 (342,000đ)

Transparent Things
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Transparent-Things-Vladimir-Nabokov/dp/0679725415
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 5 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $12.96 (298,000đ)
The Invention of Morel (New York Review Books Classics)
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Invention-Morel-Review-Books-Classics/dp/1590170571
Paperback | Used – Very Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 4.6 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $17.47 (402,000đ)

The Portable Chekhov (Portable Library) Paperback
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Chekhov-Library/dp/0140150358/
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.1 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $14.12 (325,000đ)
Forty Stories (Vintage Classics)
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Forty-Stories-Vintage-Classics-Chekhov/dp/0679733752/
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 12.4 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $13.31 (306,000đ)
Selected Stories – Chekhov (Wordsworth Classics)
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Selected-Stories-Chekhov-Wordsworth-Classics/dp/1853262889/
Paperback | Used – Very Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 4.7 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $11.86 (273,000đ)

Collected Stories (Everyman’s Library)
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Collected-Stories-Everymans-Library-Franz/dp/0679423036/
Paperback | Used – Good | 6/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.27 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $25.79 (593,000đ)
Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data with R (ICSA Book Series in Statistics) Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2018 Edition
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Statistical-Analysis-Microbiome-Data-Statistics-dp-9811346453/dp/9811346453/
Paperback | New | 10/3/2022
Item Weight: 1.47 pounds
Tiền sách về Việt Nam: $103.97 (2,391,000 ₫)

The Midnight Library: A Novel
Amazon URL: https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Library-Novel-Matt-Haig/dp/0525559477/
Hardcover | 12/3/2022
Item Weight: 14.4 ounces
Tiền sách về Việt Nam:
- $19.04 (438,000 ₫) Used – Acceptable
- $23.87 (549,000 ₫) New